Stop Saying "Dream Job"

Stop Saying "Dream Job"

🪄We hear the term all the time. My "DREAM JOB". 

💁‍♀️But here's the thing...

Calling a job that we are applying to our "DREAM JOB" adds an incredible level of pressure and attachment to something that we...

➡️don't have yet.

➡️and can't truly know how perfect it will be for us until we start working there.

(Not to mention, that even the most awesome jobs, the ones, that truly are our calling, are still "work")💻

🥰Of course, there are companies people would LOVE to work at, but please remember...

✅Everyone has different wants and needs, and something that may be perfect for someone else, may not be your ideal.

✅There are lots of places where you can feel valued, rewarded, challenged, and receive great salary and benefits... not just 1 company...

🙌 That's so important, I'll write it again. There are lots of places where you can feel valued, rewarded, challenged and receive great salary and benefits... not just 1 company

🤩Part of what makes a great job is...

✔️the team you work with
✔️your manager
✔️the level of autonomy you have
✔️not being micromanaged
✔️passion for the work you are doing
✔️and your mindset

✨And that can be found in many different companies and organizations.

❤ Cindy

If this sparked something in you, let’s chat to see how I can help you make it happen. Schedule a free 45-minute discovery call to talk about how I can help you achieve your career goals!!

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