Ace Your Interview with the STAR Method

Ace Your Interview with the STAR Method

👩‍💼Do you struggle with rambling on a job interview?

🤷‍♀Never knowing how much to say, and if you have properly answered the question, or not, so you just keep talking.

💁‍♀️Transform your interview skills with my original theory of viewing each interview question as something that can be viewed as a multiple-choice, short, medium, or essay question.

✔️Easily learn how to determine how long your answer should be.
✔️Master how to expand your answers so that you aren't providing a one-word response.
✔️Stop ruining your interviews because you are talking too much and wasting the entire interview answering one question.

👩‍🎓Learn the STAR method of interviewing and how to apply it -Situation, Task, Action, Result

👂Hear examples and stories that will show you step-by-step how to create your own interview stories.

00:00 Determining the length of your interview responses
01:00 How to transform responses so you don't give a 1-word answer
02:42 What to say if you don't have the technology experience they are looking for
03:37 How to end your answer
04:23 Deciding if the question is a multiple choice, short answer, medium answer or essay 05:18 STAR method
07:47 Benefits of practicing out loud

📺 Watch here or click on the image above!

❤ Cindy 

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Stop Saying "Dream Job"

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Interview Secret - They Already Know You Can Do the Job!