2 obstacles...

2 obstacles...

I had a mother tell me that she had 2 obstacles regarding going back to the workforce and they were both related.

1- Needs a better resume

2- Needs to update her LinkedIn profile

Except those weren't really the obstacles, right? Those were the excuses. I could easily help her to have an amazing resume that targets the jobs she wants to apply for as well as an All Star LinkedIn profile. The obstacle was "fear".

That's what holds too many people back from fulfilling their goals and dreams. It's okay to be afraid. But think of how good it will feel to pursue your passions, your dreams... to not give up. Think of the example you can set for your children! Nothing good every comes out of living in our comfort zone.

We all face challenges and difficulties in our lives. We don't get to this stage without obstacles. Think about the most difficult situation you have had to face, (maybe it was with relationships, death of a loved one, illness, finances, fire, accidents) and then think about the strength you used to conquer that challenge. Did you allow it to be your defining moment, over which you never recovered, or did you put on your big girl panties, rise to the occasion, and do whatever had to be done to succeed?

Ladies, you are all warriors and I firmly believe that you can do anything!

Making the how possible...

Making the how possible...

Answering calls...

Answering calls...