Video- From Banker to Stay at Home Mom to Accomplished Career Coach Helping Over 600 Women Return to Work

Video- From Banker to Stay at Home Mom to Accomplished Career Coach Helping Over 600 Women Return to Work

This may seem strange, since I spent 15 years as a Stay at Home Mom, but I never planned on being at home. Here’s my story…

I was an Emerging Markets Trader and had a prestigious job that I really loved- the responsibility, the money, the collection of beautiful shoes under my desk.... everything! Then overnight - all 274 branches of my bank in 4 different countries closed. Devastating! I found another job quickly and soon after that, they moved my position out of the country. Already pregnant, I took a few months off, with FULL INTENTION of returning to the workforce. 

Well… 15 years later!!!! Funny how time flies…

As you know, YOU change when the baby is born. I found another banking job, put the baby in daycare and I was miserable. There was a lot of crying. Ok, all of the crying was mine. But still, a lot of crying. It’s actually a pretty funny story and I invite you to watch this video and hear my full story. I’ll bet a lot of it resonates with YOUR story. 

Hear my story of how I went from a Banker to Stay at Home Mom to an accomplished Career Coach helping over 600 women return to the workforce over the past 9 years.

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Video- You Aren't on LinkedIn, But Your Future Employer is- 3 Things You Need to Know

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