Video- The #1 Fear for Stay at Home Moms – Will Anyone Hire Me

Video- The #1 Fear for Stay at Home Moms – Will Anyone Hire Me

The Greatest Fear that Stay at Home Moms have is, WILL ANYONE HIRE ME? Is anyone going to even consider someone with a GAP on their resume, when there are so many other people that are “more qualified” and have more experience that I do? 

I hear this from women every single day, regardless of their education level, profession, or industry. I am here to assure you that the answer is absolutely, positively YES! But… you need to know how to market yourself, how to show the employer why you are the best person for the position. 

Watch this video to hear inspirational stories that will inspire you to believe in yourself, and know that the decision to stay at home to raise your family does not mean that you can never return to the workforce. You absolutely can resume your career, even at a higher level than the one you left.

Buying Gift Cards and the Clueless Cashier

Buying Gift Cards and the Clueless Cashier

My Eyebrow Treading and the Esthetician who was Educated about Moms

My Eyebrow Treading and the Esthetician who was Educated about Moms