Buying Gift Cards and the Clueless Cashier

Buying Gift Cards and the Clueless Cashier

So I'm standing at the register, waiting to pay for 2 gift cards, and the cashier asks for my id. Sure, I'm happy to comply, but I also want to know WHY they want my id. I mean, I'm PAYING for them. Anyway, I pull out my driver's license (with it's less than flattering photo) and the cashier BARELY looks at it, says "ok" and hands it back to me. Seriously, what was the purpose of that? So I ask him. 

"I'm happy to show you my id, but what's the reason?" And you know what, he had NO idea. Just going through some motions. He said, you'll have to ask her 👉and called over a woman that presumably was his supervisor. 

She told me that there is a lot of fraud, and people use stolen or fake credit cards to purchase the gift card. (Ahhh... I'm definitely too honest to have thought of that.)

But that didn't satisfy my curiosity. If that's the reason, then shouldn't the cashier have looked at my driver's license and compared the name to my credit card? So I asked. 

And voila, yes, of course he should have. But here's where it gets interesting. The cashier STILL did not compare my id to my credit card, and apologized to me for the misunderstanding.

See, in the end, he still doesn't understand WHY he is looking at the id. 

Which again, got me thinking. (I've got a major highway of thoughts going on in my brain, of ideas I want to share with you. Oh, and a list in my iPhone.)

I want you to make sure that every time you apply for a job, you understand WHY the company needs to hire a person for this SPECIFIC role. 

So how does that translate to your job search? Well, it means, separate yourself from your resume and cover letter and look at them as if you were a stranger, let's say, a hiring manager.

ALL that you know about you is what you see on these pieces of paper. Not how completely and totally awesome you are. Not all the projects you have organized. Not how everybody counts on you. Just. This.  Piece. Of. Paper.

Now, make sure that you have done a good job highlighting the right experience (yes, of course it can be from either volunteer work or paid work, you know that if you've been following me for a while).

Would YOU hire YOU? 

If the answer is NO, then a few things may be happening:

  1. You haven't figured out how to properly target your resume and cover letter to the job

  2. You just keep applying to anything, everywhere, hoping that eventually something will work.

  3. Deep down, you have your own doubts and don't truly believe anyone would ever hire you, because you can't see all the VALUE you have.

Job seekers get so caught up in applying for lots of jobs, that they forget that the value of showing they are the a great fit for each position. Look closely at each job posting, and use that as your guide. That's what they are interested in. Highlight those skills and accomplishments.

 And if you're thinking, I don't know how to do that, or I thought I was doing it, but it isn't working, or aaaakkkkk... how can I make my sporadic volunteer and outdated work history reflect that, yea, no worries. I got you. Let me count the ways.

Well of course, the most direct, effective, completely supportive way is to actually TALK to me. Yup. Personally. Let's identify what's holding you back and how we can fix that working together. Here is your direct access to my calendar.

Are you a part of my tribe? My private Facebook group? I'm there personally, every day and answer all your questions. Here's your access ticket

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If you are working hard and not getting results...
If you are paralyzed with fear, and afraid to start...
If you want to reach the next level in your career...
I am here for you! 

Video- 4 Foolproof Ways to Boost Your Confidence During the Job Search

Video- 4 Foolproof Ways to Boost Your Confidence During the Job Search

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