All in stay at home mom jobs
It’s so easy as a stay at home mom to get swept up in the roles of mom and wife, that you almost forget who YOU are. Join me as I chat with Carrie, a mom of two sets of twins, about her powerful journey to finding herself again.
Like many moms, Carrie felt that she knew Carrie the mom and Carrie the wife, but didn’t know who Carrie the person was anymore.
Always an active volunteer, (and I must say, an INCREDIBLE volunteer. She didn’t just stand behind the table at the school bake sale.) Carrie did not give herself enough credit for the work that she was doing. She figured that as an unpaid worker, organizations were happy to take what they could get, and failed to realize how incredibly talented she actually is. How she dramatically she improved every project she worked on.
Join me as I chat with Tanya, about how overnight, she went from happily satisfied and fulfilled in her career, to losing her job during the pandemic to a storybook perfect ending.
Join me as I chat with Maggie, a former Career Executive turned Stay at Home Mom and her amazing journey back. Maggie took a break from her Professional life to raise her family and worked as a freelancer while at home. Yet the transition to return to the workforce was still daunting. In fact, Maggie had to reenter the workforce not once, but twice, as she found a job and then was furloughed during the pandemic.
Learn the best way to submit your resume for a job application. Should your resume be a word file or a pdf document? Is it a good idea to use quick apply? (Hint, no. Learn more about why this is a bad idea.) What is the best way to attach your resume? Watch this video to make sure that your resume gets seen.
Employers are not allowed to ask you anything they want during an interview. Know which questions are illegal for them to ask during an interview, plus how to respond if asked an illegal question.