*Video - Networking and Emails Part 1

*Video - Networking and Emails Part 1

🤝 Networking is one of the BIGGEST fears people have in their Job Search, yet when done properly, can be tremendously beneficial. 🙌

🙋‍♀️How many times have you been told to just "reach out to people" without having any idea how to do it?

🤷‍♀️Or maybe you are reaching out and not getting any responses.

This video is the first part of a 3 part series, showing you:

✔️Who to reach out to?
✔️How to reach out to them?
✔️What to say?
✔️When to follow up?
✔️Which connections will be the most beneficial?
✔️And must-know information, that's so important, yet most commonly overlooked. 🔥

Click on the video above or click here to ease those fears, and make yourself a super connector! They say it's all about WHO you know. Let's help you figure out WHO those people are that can help you get in the door and land the job!! 

Don't miss part 2 of the 3-part series, Networking and Emails premiering next week!

😍How about connecting with ME, and getting the support, knowledge and guidance to stop throwing spaghetti🍝 at the walls, and actually advance in your job search.

💗Let's chat and see how I can help you achieve your goals. No pressure or obligations. That's just not my style.🥰 Just a chat. Looking forward to seeing YOUR name on my calendar. Free 45-minute discovery call to talk about YOU. 
Click here to schedule now!

Chat soon! 

❤ Cindy

*Video - Women's Empowerment Series: KariAnn's Story

*Video - Women's Empowerment Series: KariAnn's Story

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