*Video - Networking and Emails Part 2

*Video - Networking and Emails Part 2

✨ Networking and Emails Part 2!

You've heard the expression 1,000 times. It's not what you know, it's who you know. But who do you really know? 🤷‍♀️ More people than you probably think.

✔️ From first connections, which are people you know, 
✔️ to second connections, which are people that you want to know who know the people you know,
✔️ to reaching out to people you don't know at all. 

⚡There is a proper way to politely and respectively network with all these individuals so that you get the responses you want!

This life-changing video series will show you how.

Did you miss part 1? No worries.
Click here to watch.

Coming up is part 3 of the 3-part series, Networking and Emails premiering next week!

🤝Speaking of networking, let's chat about how I can help you achieve your goals. Free 45-minute discovery call to empower you, and remind you of how totally awesome you are, even if you are applying for jobs and getting rejections, or are afraid to start.

🤩Learn how my straightforward, hand holding and kicking you in the butt 1:1 coaching program leads to success. It's not about finding jobs, it's about changing LIVES. 💗

Click here to schedule now!

Chat soon! 

❤ Cindy

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Jackhammers, brownies, and kindness

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