How to List Your Education on Your Resume...

How to List Your Education on Your Resume...

There are so many options for how to display your education on your resume. Here are the ways to highlight them, depending on your experience.

➡️Top or Bottom? Your education can be highlighted at either the top of your resume or at the end. Which is the right choice for you?
✔️If you are a recent graduate with little work experience - your education is your main selling point and should be at the top
✔️If you recently returned to school to obtain an advanced degree - that should be highlighted on the top
✔️If your education was more than 5 years ago, it should be at the bottom of the resume

➡️Dates or No Dates? Never include the date you started your degree. And sometimes you will include the graduation date. Here is when you should and when you shouldn't.
✔️If you graduated within the past 5 years, include the date of graduation. (Year is fine or month and year.)
✔️If you graduated more than 5 years ago, don't include the date. Keep the school name and your degree, but no date.
✔️This means that some of your education may have a date (for example, your Masters Degree) and others may not (for example, your Bachelors Degree)
✔️If you are in the middle of your education, write the date as follows: expected Month Year to show that you are currently advancing your education

➡️Abbreviations or Not?
✔️Always write out the degree (for example, Bachelor of Science)
✔️If the job posting lists the educational requirement by abbreviations, include that in addition to the full name

➡️How Many Schools?
✔️Include all advanced graduate degrees, if applicable
✔️Include your Bachelors, if applicable
✔️Include Associates degree ONLY if it's your highest level of education. If you have a Bachelors, remove your Associates degree.
✔️Include High School degree ONLY if it's your highest level of education. If you have an Associates or Bachelors, remove your High School degree.

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