Email Inbox List...

Email Inbox List...

Let's get personal here. No, not your dresser drawers, but your email inbox.
You may not even realize this, but if your email inbox holds 46,251 unread emails
✅then you are probably feeling overwhelmed
✅and missing IMPORTANT emails, like the ones from your dream job asking you for an interview

➡️Because hidden between the spam emails, the store coupons from the store you bought a pair of jeans from 6 years ago, and all the mailing lists you signed up for, but no longer have the time to read.... vital emails get lost 🔎

Here's how to fix that.
✅Unsubscribe. Yes, it takes an extra step, but once you unsubscribe, you will be off the list. Did you know that it's a law that email lists must have an unsubscribe button. Even mine. 😉

✅Carve a time to tackle your inbox.
✔️Star / Tag / Group

✅Stay up to date. Every day, delete emails you don't need. Unsubscribe or respond.

✅Open up a new email address just for your job search and set the alerts to go off on your phone, so you know if an employer is emailing you.

✅Check your spam folder daily, as it's amazing how many legitimate emails wind up there.

➡️Bonus!! Feeling accomplished, organized and focused!!!🙌

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Key Signs to Avoid Job SCAMS...

It's okay...

It's okay...