Holiday wishes...❄️⛄💗

Holiday wishes...❄️⛄💗

Holiday wishes...❄️⛄💗

My wish to you, is a holiday filled with delicious food, love, laughter, friendship, peace, kindness and chocolate. Lots of chocolate.

I hope that your guests arrive on time, and that they are appreciative of you and your efforts.

I hope the traffic is minimal, the flights are on time, and there's no bickering in the backseat.

I hope that there is no drama, no judgement, and no criticism.

I hope that you are able to put the stress of job searching aside, if only for the moment, to enjoy the holidays and people around you.

But, I know that this is not always the case, and not every year.

So, if things are not all hugs and kisses, gumdrops, and chocolates...

Then I wish you strength and courage, to get through a time when everyone else seems to be celebrating.

I wish you the ability to set boundaries, so that no one makes you feel badly about you, or your job search.

You have the option and ability to create new traditions and make new memories.

Sending you all my warmest wishes for the holidays. Hope that this year is extra special. 💗Cindy

*Video - Women's Empowerment Series: Maggie's Story

*Video - Women's Empowerment Series: Maggie's Story

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