How to Sell Your Successes, Not Short Yourself

How to Sell Your Successes, Not Short Yourself

😳Even if you were "just" doing your job, that doesn't mean that you weren't also TOTALLY AWESOME at what you did, and that you can't proudly talk about the value you added and the impact that YOUR WORK produced.

➡️In fact, you need to stop short selling yourself, recognize your value, your contribution, and your impact.
🔢Add numbers and results to your bullet points and use them in your stories on your interviews.

🙅‍♀Completely eradicate the word "just" from your vocabulary.
(Except in the case of cake. This is the only time when saying "just" makes you feel better, because if you have "just" a sliver of cake, you can certainly have seconds.)🍰

➡️Stop feeling like everything you do isn't good enough. Have you ever answered the question "Are you hosting Thanksgiving" with "I am 'just' having 6 people?"

👏There 👏is 👏no 👏need to put yourself down when you speak. 👏EVER!

➡️Speak confidently and proudly about everything that you do.
➡️Remember, if YOU don't think you can do it, NOBODY else will.

➡️So you didn't "just" lead a team of 5.
➡️You led 12 bi-weekly professional trainings for a cross functional team of 5 and successfully drove test scores from 67% to 84% for 430 individuals in 6 months.

❤ Cindy

😍If you want more motivation for staying positive in your job search, even while facing rejections, check out this playlist of videos I created for YOU to remember your value, your worth, and keep you motivated. 

When You Don't Know the Answer to an Interview Question

When You Don't Know the Answer to an Interview Question

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5 Secrets That Hiring Managers Don't Want You to Know About Interviews!