It's not jobs... it's changing lives... — Cindy Lish

LINKEDIN RECOMMENDED as a Top Career Counseling Voice. CLICK Here to follow my page!

It's not jobs... it's changing lives...

It's not jobs... it's changing lives...

It's not just finding jobs...

It's changing lives...

It's restoring value to the Mom who gave up her career to raise her family, and has been struggling to get back to work, facing rejection after rejection, get a job that boosts her confidence, her worth and self esteem.

It's providing the support and encouragement to the Mom who is too scared to start, to realize her strengths, understand why someone would want to hire her, and help her to land a job that matches her current life situation

It's ensuring that the single mother, who has survived circumstances she wishes she didn't have to, to find a job that lets her support herself and her children, and not have to move away from the community where her children have all their friends.

It's not jobs... I'm here to change LIVES.

Double negatives...

Double negatives...

Resume copies...

Resume copies...