Elevate Your Resume With Numbers
😲Numbers. That's the biggest mistake most people make on their resumes.
❌Stop writing a list of all the stuff you did
❌Your tasks
❌Your responsibilities
🤩Instead, show your impact. The value you added. What is better because of you.
✅You didn't just "do" your job (task list of responsibilities).
✅You rocked it. You were and are awesome! Showcase that!
✅Instead of “Responsible for leading staff members”
Write “Lead 4 departments, managing 32 direct reports over 112 employees providing education to a diverse population of 850 students.
🤩No matter who you are or what your position, YOU absolutely can write about the metrics, numbers, and results of your work.
💪Stand out from the crowd. Market yourself. Showcase your awesomeness.
❤ Cindy
If you need more support writing an AMAZING resume to showcase your skills, here is a FULL PLAYLIST of videos to help you write a resume to land the interview!