Sneaky Things Interviewers Look For

Sneaky Things Interviewers Look For

😉Think before you post. The employer you are hoping will hire you is reading your words. If you wouldn't say it on an interview, you shouldn't be posting it.

😱The negative comments about your boss or profession aren't going to impress someone deciding if they should hire you. If they hire you, will you write negative things about them online? It's not worth them taking a chance. There are lots of other applicants.

🤔Listing all your fears, why you were fired, lack of experience, these are all the potential red flags that you would NEVER mention if you were on an interview asked your greatest weakness.

😘Please don't post them online. You are talented, capable and have accomplishments that employers really want and need. 💪Let's just concentrate on highlighting those. Because they haven't met you yet, and don't know how totally awesome you are 🙌.

😲We all want different things at different stages of our lives, and everyone has jobs they will accept, and jobs they won't. Please don't post a long demand list. Remember, you are ALWAYS in control. You can always say no.

For the meanwhile, you can have a "line in the sand" list for yourself, but it doesn't need to be public. It shouldn't look like you are making ransom demands 😱"I only want "this", but will do "that" if it's the right position.

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