Why I help Stay at Home Mothers...

Why I help Stay at Home Mothers...

Why do I help Stay at Home Mothers?

I can help anyone to find a job.

I CHOOSE YOU - Stay at Home Mothers, because you are my most "favoritest" people in the world.

Because I get it!

Because I've been there and walked in your shoes. I know that it is possible to love your children more than anything in the world, be an amazing mom, and still miss the power, prestige, and mental stimulation of your career.

I know what it feels like to realize that your children won't remain little forever. (Roots and wings, and the roots aren't the hard part. Remember, we actually want our children to grow up to be successful, independent thinking, responsible adults.)

I know what it feels like to think that no one will ever hire you with a gap on your resume.

I know what it feels like to doubt yourself, even if you had a powerful, prestigious career before, because you don't think people will look at you the same way.

And I know that all these fears can be conquered with someone supporting you, restoring your confidence, and teaching you everything you need to know to be marketable and relevant in today's job market.

And... the reason I KNOW THIS is because I have helped over 500 women over the past 8 years to successfully return to the workforce. My clients get results!

Working with Cindy was the BEST INVESTMENT I have ever made in myself. She was such a pleasure to work with and guided me every step of the way with compassion, patience, and just the perfect amount of push to ensure my successful outcome.

Cindy taught me to look at myself and the job market with renewed perspective and to value my skills and recognize my worth.

I have a resume and cover letter that I am really proud of. I am applying for jobs and getting interviews and offers, something I never thought was ever going to be possible after 24 years raising my family.


Afraid of the job...

Afraid of the job...

My Passion...

My Passion...