Your Time is Precious, Don't Waste It!

Your Time is Precious, Don't Waste It!

👉 Don’t “collect” jobs, constantly leaving you applying to very few, because by the time you get back to them, they have closed, your imposter syndrome kicks in and you are concerned that you aren’t good enough, or you are paralyzed by which job to apply to first. 😨

🔎 Find one job, target your resume and cover letter, repeat. 📄

🤔 When prioritizing your time, recognize that similar jobs will be faster to apply to, because you are doing minor “tweaking” rather than reinventing the wheel.

💗 Spend more time on jobs that are more meaningful to you, and less on ones that you care less about.

⏰ Schedule your time, like a doctor’s appointment, so that unless the house is on fire or someone has to go to the emergency room, you know when you are working.

❤ Cindy

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