All in motivation

Video - Women's Empowerment Series - Carrie

It’s so easy as a stay at home mom to get swept up in the roles of mom and wife, that you almost forget who YOU are. Join me as I chat with Carrie, a mom of two sets of twins, about her powerful journey to finding herself again.

Like many moms, Carrie felt that she knew Carrie the mom and Carrie the wife, but didn’t know who Carrie the person was anymore.

Always an active volunteer, (and I must say, an INCREDIBLE volunteer. She didn’t just stand behind the table at the school bake sale.) Carrie did not give herself enough credit for the work that she was doing. She figured that as an unpaid worker, organizations were happy to take what they could get, and failed to realize how incredibly talented she actually is. How she dramatically she improved every project she worked on.

Birthday Message and a Gift

Life should be measured in terms of birthdays. Like when we were little. We marked the wall to see how much we grew. We looked forward to getting older. (OMG, I had to wait until I was 10 for my mom to allow me to get my ears pierced.)We made plans. We talked about what we wanted to be when we grew up.. There was cake 🎂and ice cream 🍨and presents 🎁(I have a GIFT for YOU!! ⬇️instant download