Are you a Leader or a Team Player?

Are you a Leader or a Team Player?

🙋‍♀️Are you a Leader or a Team Player?
🤷‍♀️When on a team, which role do you generally assume?
🤔Do you prefer to work independently or as part of a team?

Common interview questions, but HOW should you answer them?

✅First, understand the specifications and requirements of the ROLE you are interviewing for.
➡️If this is a LEADERSHIP position (think Manager, Supervisor, Coordinator) and you are leading others, you certainly want to showcase those skills.
➡️If this is a collaborative TEAM position, then you definitely want to make sure you highlight your team playing skills.

✅Oftentimes, it is beneficial to demonstrate that you have BOTH skills.
➡️Even if you are working as part of a team, you will need to be able to work independently as well.

📖Story time... I was recently mock interviewing with a client for a content and curriculum writing position, and I asked her if she preferred to work independently or as part of a team.

➡️She answered by talking about how she enjoyed the collaborative effort of being part of a team.

❌And then... she said, that if she had to do the job by herself, "she could probably figure it out and do an okay job."

➡️WOW... I told her, this answer would NOT convince the interviewer that she was the best person for the job. Even for a collaborative effort. After all, you do need to hold you own while on the job. This answer displays a complete lack of confidence.

✅You can describe how you enjoy both working independently (and give specific examples of content you designed working on your own) as well as being part of a collaborative team (with more examples).

✅Always keep the job requirements in mind when answering the questions.

✅Back up all your answers with specific stories and examples so that you paint the picture for the employer and they can SEE you in the role.


Video - Impressing the Interviewer -  Part 1

Video - Impressing the Interviewer - Part 1

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