Choose Your Interview Time Wisely, It Matters!

Choose Your Interview Time Wisely, It Matters!

🙌 You just received that AMAZING email.

We want to INTERVIEW YOU!!

🤷‍♀️And now they are asking you to choose or suggest times you are available.

📅Often there is a desire to push the initial interview off a few days, to have more time to prepare.

🚫Please, resist this urge.
✅Take the first appointment available.
✅Do your very best to make yourself available.

💭Imagine your normal day. If you woke up with a fever or Covid, you would cancel everything, and everyone would figure it out.
✔️You can do that for your interview as well.
✔️Prioritize YOU!

Here's the reason...

✅They don't know how totally awesome you are yet.
➡️They haven't met you yet.
➡️Their job is to fill this role.

✅And when they find a candidate they really like...
➡️They may STOP interviewing and CANCEL your appointment.

✅And that would be tragic. Because you are totally awesome.

✅Don't let your interview fears hold you back from getting to the interview.
➡️Start practicing for your interviews now, even if you don't have any scheduled.
➡️When it's showtime, you will (obviously) have more interview prep to do, but it will be easier and you will be less stressed.

✅And when you get the interview request, please make it sooner, rather than later. 😉


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