Hiring Risk

Hiring Risk

🤩Career changers and transitioning teachers, here's a little secret. EVERY time someone hires ANYBODY, even an applicant with significant experience in that field, they are taking a chance. Because you never know.

😱They could be too aggressive. Not get along with the team. Have a bad attitude. (You know those people. Great work, but soooo hard to be around.)

Leave for a better opportunity. There are plenty of reasons why a highly recognized candidate may not always be a perfect match, even if they appear to be on paper.

💔Like any partnership, one never knows for sure upfront. Think about the incredibly high divorce rate. People don't enter marriage with the idea that it won't work out.

😲Or friends and family members that go into business together, and how often that leads to disaster. Even stealing from one another. You have heard the stories. And this is with people they know and love.

🤔So recognize that the company is taking a chance on ANYONE they would hire?

🙌Be proud of who you are, what you have accomplished, and what you can offer.

YOU bring unique skills and qualifications to the table that NO ONE else has.🤩

Always remember that. 🤗💪

🥰Switch your mindset from hoping people will take a chance on you to recognizing what you have to offer. Demonstrate how you can solve their problems. Your intrinsic value. "This is what I can do for you!"

Because YOU are a warrior!! 💪

Struggling in your job search? There's no reason to do this alone. Imagine what if would be like to be COMPLETELY supported, so you knew exactly what to do to get your new job.

When we work together, you are never alone. 🤗

❤ Cindy

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