How to apply to a job

How to apply to a job

How FRUSTRATING is it to find a job you REALLY want to apply to and when you do the get ready to apply, either the job is no longer available, or isn't actually a work from anywhere, remote position.

Here is your checklist to prevent this from happening.
✅Don't "collect" jobs. Find a job. Target your resume and cover letter. Apply. Then repeat.

➡️When you collect a long list a jobs, by the time you get back to apply...
✔️Some of the jobs will have stopped taking applications
✔️The competition will be greater, because more people have applied
✔️You start "talking yourself out of jobs" because you are feeling imposter syndrome
✔️Then you have to read all the job postings again, to decide which to apply to 1st.
➡️Lots of wasted time.
✅Find job. Target resume and cover letter. Apply. Then repeat.

✅Read the full description on remote jobs.
➡️Some remote jobs are truly work from anywhere.
➡️Others require you to live in a specific state.
✅Check before taking the time to work on the application.

✅Find a job posting you like on a job board...
➡️Go directly to the company website to make sure that the job is still available.

#careeradvice #jobsearch #transitioningteachers #edxit

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