Research the Company for a Job Interview

Research the Company for a Job Interview

You've heard it before.🤔 "Research the company" before going on an interview.
But what does that actually mean? ❓
Should you know all their numbers from last year's balance sheet? 🔢

Their entire history?🗺️
The founder's favorite food? 🍕no, but it could help 😉

➡️Here is a list of things that WILL help you stand out from the crowd.

✅What is the company's mission. What are they all about?

✅Who is their target audience, their niche?

✅And their competition?

✅What have been the major advancements or projects for this company?

✅Have they recently been in the media? Are they growing? Launching a new project?

✅Where do you see this industry going in the next 5 years?

✅Why do you want to work here specifically. (yes, both the company AND the position)

➡️Doing your homework and showing your knowledge and interest in the company will make a lasting positive impression on the hiring managers and have you stand out from the other applicants. 🙌🙌

And after all, that is the point of the interview. To shine. 💫💫

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