Kicking and screaming...

Kicking and screaming...

I was always the last person to the party when it came to technology. More than that. I fought it kicking and screaming every step of the way.

I fought getting a cellphone (why do I need people to be able to reach me all the time) until there was an accident at the side of the road when I was driving with my toddler son, and I needed to pull off and find a payphone to call my husband.

I fought texting (in the amount of time it took me to type this X%!!! message, I could have called you).

I fought getting an iPhone (why do I need to have a computer in my hands at all times).

Now, I am proud to say, I'm pretty darn techy!

I run a successful National business, with clients all over the United States, utilizing 12 different platform system integrations, all from my iPhone.

And I'm 51.

WHY do I tell you this? So that you know that if YOU want to YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!



When does the interview start...

When does the interview start...