Putting out fires...

Putting out fires...

Are you the problem solver? Do you put out all the fires at work and are SOOOO good at your job that your boss doesn't even know there was a problem. Because you are that good at deescalating and fixing things?

Women were often taught to keep their heads down, work hard, and people will notice.

Those rules don't work. If you want to get ahead in life, you need to have a plan.

Keep track of your accomplishments at your job. Really, I promise, you will forget.

Document the improvements you have made for your company. Think saving money, increasing business, reducing waste, maximizing efficiency.

Every time a client sends you a thank you message, forward it to your boss.

Ask for the raise. No one is going to just give it to you. And when you ask, have documented results of your work and how it positively impacted the company as well as your plans for the next year.

No one will give you a raise, just because...

And never calling...

And never calling...

Small child, big accent...

Small child, big accent...