Sometimes you have to swallow your pride...

Sometimes you have to swallow your pride...

Sometimes you have to swallow your pride. There. I said it.

Actually, I just said that to a (dad) client of mine, because sometimes, in unique circumstances, I work with clients who are not moms.

My client ran a small, successful business for 18 years, but demand during this current pandemic has slowed to almost nothing. He’s draining his savings to survive.

He showed me a job he wants to apply for and said that he would be a perfect fit. It’s exactly what I do, and a big company, where I could learn a lot.


I agree. It is difficult to need to transition to work for someone else, if you haven’t done that in nearly 2 decades.

But sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Because draining your savings to put food on the table for your family and a roof over your heads, when you have other very good options, is generally not the best idea.

Because taking a job now, in your field, where you can continue to grow and learn, doesn’t mean you have to stay there forever. When the world changes, you can go back to your business. Or pivot your business in a new direction. Who knows. Possibly he will love working for someone else, and not bear the burden of every aspect of the company.

Just understand that just because you accept a position today, doesn’t mean that you have to stay there forever. But life happens. Sometimes we are placed in tough situations which are out of our control.

It’s the people who have a growth mindset and are willing to pivot, reinvent themselves, and never give up that will find success.

social media vs emails...

social media vs emails...

Double negatives...

Double negatives...