3 Things to AVOID on the job interview...

3 Things to AVOID on the job interview...

3 Things to AVOID on the job interview...

✅ Expressing a greater interest in the COMPANY and the potential opportunities than the actual JOB you are applying for

✔YES... of course you want to show that you are knowledgeable and passionate about the company. In fact, that will make you shine amongst the other applicants.

✖BUT... if you really aren't interested in this position, and focus solely on the opportunities, you won't get the job. Remember, for today, they are looking to hire someone to fill this specific position. They need someone who is excited about this job. Your exemplary work will help you advance, in the future.

✅ Asking about salaries and benefits.

✔YES... of course this can be a DEAL BREAKER, and a lot of time would be saved if everyone were up front from the beginning.

✖BUT... the way this process works, is that the applicant is supposed to be really excited and passionate about the job, at this company, and not just interested in the financial compensation.

✅Talking negatively about your previous boss or company.

✔YES...it is not uncommon for people to have had some NEGATIVE experiences with bosses or past companies. In fact, it is a very common reason for people to look for a new job.

✖BUT... if you speak poorly about your past jobs, managers, or colleagues, it will reflect badly on you. (Maybe you were the problem.) Also, the person who is hiring you will be concerned that if you leave this company, you may speak negatively about them to a future employer. Not worth the risk.

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