We've Gone in Another Direction

We've Gone in Another Direction

🤷‍♀️The interview went really well, but you were told "We are going in another direction" an analogy

👗Last week I went dress shopping with my daughter at Macy's Herald Square in New York City 👉The World's Largest Department Store.
🎯Our goal was to buy 1 dress for her to wear for graduation.

➡️This store has 10 floors and 1,000s of dresses

➡️We started browsing and selecting possible dresses

➡️100s were easily eliminated on our first walk-through (the ATS screening)

✅15 made it through our screening to go to the fitting room (1st interview)

❌11 of those were easily eliminated, not a good fit, not a good color, that looked better on a hanger than in person, wow that's short (eliminated after 1st interview)

🎯4 made it to the second round 🙌

➡️That's when the decision making got really hard

✅Because we both loved all 4 of the dresses

✅But you only get to wear 1 dress under your graduation gown

✅The dresses were diverse- different styles, colors, and prices

✅Those 4 dresses made it to the next stage of trying on, multiple times (2nd, or sometimes 3rd and 4th interviews)

➡️We eliminated another 2

✅Final stage interview 2 dresses

✅It's a silly example, but sometimes Hiring Managers may LOVE multiple candidates, but in the end, they can only choose 1.

➡️Make sure that you are crossing all your Ts, dotting all your i's, and know that everything counts (yes, even your LinkedIn photo)

💓But understand that at the end of the day, sometimes, you may be doing everything right and that it was a very hard decision, because they really did LOVE you, but they loved a few other candidates as well.

💓So if you made it through multiple stages of interviews, but did not get the offer, be proud of yourself for making it that far, and recognize that sometimes, you may have been one of the dresses that they really, really liked, but could only choose 1.

🛍️And the end of the dress story, I bought 2. One for her to wear to graduation, and another to wear for a celebration.

👡Off to the shoe department...

❤ Cindy

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*Video - 3 Biggest Mistakes You Are Making in Your Job Search

*Video - 3 Biggest Mistakes You Are Making in Your Job Search

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