Imagine Your Dream Job is Showcasing YOU

Imagine you NAILED IT! 🙌You landed your absolute dream job and they want to do a Public Relations Pitch showcasing YOU. ✨💗How totally awesome is that!!
They asked you to provide the photo. 📷

Would you use a selfie taken in the car on the way to work? (OMG, I hope not!!)

Or a photo you took when out to dinner with your significant other, and just cut them out of the photo? (Goodness, no)

Sooooo, don't use these photos for you LinkedIn Profile.😉

You can say that you pay attention to small details as much as you want, and manage all aspects of a project with ease, but your attention to your own LinkedIn profile, showcasing YOU, may be telling a different story.

Video - Women's Empowerment Series - Carrie

It’s so easy as a stay at home mom to get swept up in the roles of mom and wife, that you almost forget who YOU are. Join me as I chat with Carrie, a mom of two sets of twins, about her powerful journey to finding herself again.

Like many moms, Carrie felt that she knew Carrie the mom and Carrie the wife, but didn’t know who Carrie the person was anymore.

Always an active volunteer, (and I must say, an INCREDIBLE volunteer. She didn’t just stand behind the table at the school bake sale.) Carrie did not give herself enough credit for the work that she was doing. She figured that as an unpaid worker, organizations were happy to take what they could get, and failed to realize how incredibly talented she actually is. How she dramatically she improved every project she worked on.

We All Make the Best Decisions

🤔We all make the best decisions with the knowledge and resources we have available at that time. Think about it. Nobody INTENTIONALLY makes a decision they know they will soon regret. (Okay, maybe when we are talking about chocolate cake, but I digress.)🎂

😄Life changes. We change. Our needs change. And everybody has their own story. Bottom line is that you are allowed and even entitized to feel CHALLENGED, VALUED, RESPECTED, AND HAPPY.

LinkedIn Profile Checklist

😍Think about your LinkedIn Profile as Project that you are MANAGING and of course, a reflection of your PERSONAL BRANDING! Please take the effort to do a GREAT JOB!🙌😊

👀WOW - Did you know that people with a LinkedIn photo receive 21 times more profile views and 9 times more connection requests.

✅ Remember, you are showing people why YOU would be AMAZING in this position, so don't get lazy about your photo.

(Hmm... because if you don't put much effort into your own profile, which is all about you, the person looking to hire you will wonder how much effort you will put into THEIR work.)

LinkedIn Photo Dos and Don'ts:

Video - 5 LinkedIn Photo Mistakes

Learn the 5 secret mistakes you be making in your LinkedIn profile photo that can actually cost you the job. You don’t need a professional photographer or a makeup artist to take a great LinkedIn photo, but there are a few rules that you need to follow to make sure that you make a great impression and stand out from the rest.

You only get 1 chance to make a great first impression. Watch this video to learn the simple things you should avoid and how to take your best professional LinkedIn Photo, at home, with your smartphone.

You Are More Than Your Resume

Companies hire PEOPLE. YOU are more than your resume. And companies use everything to gauge if you are the right fit. Lots of people CAN do the job. But what kind of PERSON are you?
You can teach someone how to use a computer program, but you can't teach them to be responsible. Or pay attention to details. Or be friendly and polite.

Pay attention to the following:

✅How responsive are you? Do you answer emails and messages in a timely fashion? Because if a company is offering you an interview, and you don't get back to them the same day, (for something YOU want) then what kind of attention are you going to be paying to their work if they hire you?

✅What content are you posting on your social media and LinkedIn?
Is it negative, complaining, bad mouthing others? Are you talking about things that would question if you would be a good employee?

✅What does your LinkedIn profile look like. Watch for my NEW VIDEO tomorrow on LinkedIn profile photos.
This is a small project, all about you. It's one thing to say you pay attention to details, but the effort you put into your LinkedIn profile may say something else.

✅How polite are you?
Do you thank people for their time, for introducing you, for meeting with you, for the opportunity. Nobody owes you. Make the words, "thank you" and "I appreciate you" part of your normal vocabulary.

Remember, a resume only tells a small part of the story. Employers want to hire the right person, with the right attitude, and the right skills.

Close Your Eyes Before Targeting Your Resume

👩‍💻Read the job posting. The entire description. Even the long part in the beginning about the company. Now read it again. And then close your eyes. 👀 Don't rush it. This part will make a huge difference! 🙌

🤔Picture what this role entails. See yourself in this position. What are you doing? What hard skills and soft skills are you using? Is it clear? If not, read the job posting again.

🤩Only when you are very clear about the position should you start to work on updating and targeting your resume. Remember the picture in your head. Now show them that you are that person.

➡️Select the appropriate accomplishments and experiences, and phrase it in a way that makes sense for this position in this field.

🥰Looking for some help with that process. I'm glad you asked. That's exactly what I do. Empower women career changers and those returning to the workforce after taking time off to raise their families with all the hand holding, knowledge, and support to land their dream jobs.

📱Want to talk about what that looks like? Here's the link to my calendar for a free 45 minute discovery tall to talk about YOU, your goals, and how I can help you achieve them. No pressures or obligations; just a conversation. Because you deserve to have someone on your side. 💓

Please stop saying "take a chance on me"

Career changers and #transitioningteachers, here's a little secret. EVERY time someone hires ANYBODY, even an applicant with significant experience in that field, they are taking a chance. Because you never know.

They could be too aggressive. Not get along with the team. Have a bad attitude. (You know those people. Great work, but soooo hard to be around.)

Leave for a better opportunity. There are plenty of reasons why a highly recognized candidate may not always be a perfect match, even if they appear to be on paper.

Dear Jobseekers... THIS IS the interview.

Think before you post. The employer you are hoping will hire you is reading your words. If you wouldn't say it on an interview, you shouldn't be posting it.

😱The negative comments about your boss or profession aren't going to impress someone deciding if they should hire you. If they hire you, will you write negative things about them online? It's not worth them taking a chance. There are lots of other applicants.

🤔Listing all your fears, why you were fired, lack of experience, these are all the potential red flags that you would NEVER mention if you were on an interview asked your greatest weakness.

Birthday Message and a Gift

Life should be measured in terms of birthdays. Like when we were little. We marked the wall to see how much we grew. We looked forward to getting older. (OMG, I had to wait until I was 10 for my mom to allow me to get my ears pierced.)We made plans. We talked about what we wanted to be when we grew up.. There was cake 🎂and ice cream 🍨and presents 🎁(I have a GIFT for YOU!! ⬇️instant download