Best talker award... — Cindy Lish

LINKEDIN RECOMMENDED as a Top Career Counseling Voice. CLICK Here to follow my page!

Best talker award...

Best talker award...

Best Talker Award

I won that in nursery school and have tried to hold the record every year thereafter.

2 years ago I lost my voice. Thyroid Cancer. More advanced than anticipated before the surgery. The day after the surgery, the surgeon told me, "we knew this could happen. But you're alive. You're cancer free. It will take 2 years for recovery and you should get some of your voice back."

Devastating. Worse for me than the thought of having cancer. Not being able to talk, to share with my family, to deliver presentations, to teach, nothing.

But I'm a fighter, a warrior. I researched. I went to a speech pathologist and did speech therapy and practiced voice exercises daily.

4 months. It took me 4 months to get back to myself.

Ladies, anything is possible if you want it badly enough and work hard enough.

Celebrating 2 years cancer free and screaming from the rooftops.

Family CEO...

Family CEO...

