Multi level marketing...

Multi level marketing...

So many women have told me they feel like a failure because they tried Multi Level Marketing and "couldn't even make that work".

I will go on record to say that I am not a fan of MLM (if you've never heard the term, a few examples are: Mary Kay, Isagenix, Juice Plus, Rodan + Fields).

It SOUNDS so easy, so promising. Just have a party. Everyone will want to come, will love the products, want to host their own parties, and you will make lots of money.

Now, I personally know people who have been tremendously successful with these platforms. A colleague and friend of mine earned 2 Pink Cadillacs, and others have generated healthy incomes.

But for MOST people, it doesn't work like that. It is impossible to create a business (and that's what it is) just with the people you know. It requires extensive marketing, networking, meeting new people, and paid advertising.

Here's a true story. When my children were little, an acquaintance lost her husband to a sudden heart attack at 40 years old. She was employed as a teacher, but decided to sell Arbonne to supplement her income. At first, all the moms in the group bought from her, because we wanted to support her. The problem was, after time, anytime someone saw her at the playground, they went the other way, because every interaction, she expected you to buy something from the new collection.

So please, if you have tried MLM and it did not meet all your hopes and dreams, don't in any way feel discouraged with yourself.

Small child, big accent...

Small child, big accent...

PTA to JOB...

PTA to JOB...